Get a CAM reconciliation done today!
Did you know that 30% off of landlords end up undercharging their clients and losing money on their lease as a result? The culprit is usually CAM.
Common Area Maintenance (CAM) is a crucial element of your lease's operating income. CAM charges run into thousands of dollars every year.
As a landlord, it is very important to ensure that you consistently track and review the CAM charges levied by you upon your tenants to ensure they are accurate, as errors that are embedded in the lease, year, on year can cost you dearly.
RE BackOffice helps landlords save hundreds of
thousands of dollars every year through accurate CAM
As a part of our CAM reconciliation services, we offer-

CAM charges

Insurance charges

Invoice processing
and audits

Real Estate Taxes
Rebolease.com, powered by RE BackOffice, Inc., is a global boutique firm specializing in real estate marketing and lease services. Our Lease Services Group (REBOlease.com) provides Lease Administration, Lease Abstraction, CAM Reconciliation services to clients across diverse industries, covering every type of lease on any lease administration platform. Since 2006, we have diligently served over 1000 clients giving us the experience needed to be a trusted partner. Whether we are utilizing this comprehensive expertise or harnessing the power of our proprietary lease abstraction software, we bring an unparalleled strategic and financial advantage to our clients.